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Kean University, Pi Alpha Alpha, and FAN-PAC Present Children and Family Empowerment Project Public Policy In Action; Advocacy in the Real World

Pi Alpha Alpha (The Global Honor Society for Public Affairs & Administration), Kean University and FAN-PAC (Family Advocate Network) introduce an informative program bringing together policy makers, Kean University Educators, advocates, legal professionals and other stakeholders in the Family Court system.

We present a panel discussion.

Understanding the challenges faced by the family court in determining custody arrangements and ensuring the court has tools to better meet these challenges.

A platform to discuss the universal needs of all children; ensuring all children are free to love and be loved by both parents regardless of the structure of the family; the role the family court plays in the lives of our children; the trauma experienced and impact on the lives of children caught in the middle of a high-conflict divorce; the benefits of empowering all families to meet the needs of their children.

Moderator: Pi Alpha Alpha President - Scout Hartley

  • Featured Speaker The Legislator perspective; New Jersey’s Champions For Our Children Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro

  • The role of advocates; The Voice For Children David Kalen – Chair of the Legislative Committee FAN-PAC

  • The psychology of the individuals in a new family dynamic; Coping With High Conflict Divorce Dr. David Brandwein – Kean Professor Lori Lynn Peaceful Healing – Through the Eyes of a Child – Why Should We Care

  • Documentary Erasing Family; The Family Court System’s Impact On Our Children Ginger Gentile – Documentary Film Maker Including the 30 minute version of the film

As a community we must come together to empower families during the trauma of separation. We must ensure every child has access to the nurturing, guidance and support of both loving parents; this love is critical in their development. Together we can make a difference.

Date : OCTOBER 29, 2019 : 6:30 – 9pm
1000 Morris Ave - Union NJ

Refreshments to be served

Be aware that it is a 10 minute walk from the parking lot to the Miron Student Center. For your convenience, a map of the Kean campus is attached.

Kean University, the Public Administration Department nor its faculty or staff advocate for any legislation.  The opinions expressed as part of this program are those of the speakers alone and may not be shared by the University community. This program is intended for education purposes.


FAN-PAC is a registered 501c-4 organization in New Jersey established to represent the interests of New Jersey’s voters and to advance these interests by advocating for policies, legislation and legislators that reflect FAN-PACs mission.  This mission is to advocate for our children in family court matters while transforming the family court to empower parents and implement legislation that recognizes the critical importance of having both parents involved in the raising of their children.  We intend to educate all stakeholders in the family court system about the role they play in the development of children whose parents separate and this impact on the individual family and all New Jersey’s children.  FAN-PAC is also committed to inspire this generation of children to be the next great generation by ensuring their voices are heard in the family court.