


We are a political action committee seeking to protect the interests of the children and families of our state.  It is our mission to advocate for reforms in the family court.

There is no greater responsibility our society has than ensuring our children grow up in a healthy, safe and nurturing environment.  This environment is modeled in the home and promoted by two loving parents, regardless of family structures in the 21st century.  Our organization has and will continue to collaborate with organizations throughout the state of New Jersey who agree that our children and families are our most valuable natural resource.  Through our collaborative efforts we seek to move the needle in our statewide elections.

Three words that best describe our organization and community are: advocate, inspire and educate.

We intend to promote candidates for elected office who share in these objectives.  FAN-PAC will share the message of candidates who campaign on these issues.  As our community expands, so does our ability to educate all stakeholders in the family court system about the critical need of children having access to both parents.  Our platform provides us with the opportunity to educate the voting public regarding the positions of candidates relating to the inalienable right of every child to have a meaningful relationship with both parents. 

What Role Does the Family Court Have In The Following Topics:

  • The role our family courts have or should have on the social fabric of our state

  • The current family court system

  • Rebuttable presumption of approximately equal physical custody for both parents

  • Government’s responsibility in promoting healthy, safe environments for our children

  • Importance of children having access to the love and affection of both parents

As we are an organization dedicated to better outcomes for our children we are seeking solutions and engaging the institutions in this state toward ensuring a child’s right to a healthy childhood regardless of family structure.