
Recent News

A Message of Hope from the President

As the president of FAN-PAC I, personally, wish to thank all who have been involved with us this past year. It is due to your dedication and support that our children are closer to realizing a brighter, happier future. In 2019, I look forward to continuing our important work and welcoming new members and champions for our children as we continue our advocacy efforts. New Jersey can lead the nation in this initiative and become known as the 'True Best Interests of the Children' state.

We at FAN-PAC wish you happiness that lasts throughout the coming year. As 2018 comes to a close and a new year is about to begin we have an opportunity to reflect on the year behind and to determine what we want the coming year to be. We also recognize that too many of us are facing a season without those we care about the most, our children. It is hard to imagine that in the 21st century America many children will have missed spending another holiday season with one of their loving parents.

Ours is a message of hope

FAN-PAC is a registered 501 c4, created to transform the family court. We intend to influence legislation, legislators and policy that share our mission. For too long the family court has failed to meet the needs of those it is mean to serve especially our children. When our children are negatively impacted we are compelled to act.

We are dedicated to ensuring that all children have the opportunity to know the love of both parents regardless of the family structure. We have come together to advocate for policies that empower both parents to provide for the needs of their children. For too long the family court has failed to meet the needs of families in crisis. It is critical the court and all stakeholders in the family court system recognize the impact this system has on the current and future generations of children. We can and must do better. Together we can be the catalyst for this transformation.

Rafael Franco