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Message from the President - First Quarter 2018 Update

FAN-PAC continued to focus on its core strategy to develop a greater reach into local communities, enhance relationships with organizations throughout the state, identify membership opportunities, build out a robust technology and analytics tools platform and fill key management and advisory roles. FAN-PAC continues to execute on its commitment to the children of New Jersey and supporters to ensure our children’s voices are heard in the family court. 

FAN-PAC envisions a New Jersey as seen through the eyes of a child, where every child is free to love both parents after they separate. A New Jersey that encourages parents to cooperate, that is committed to limiting the conflict during separation and when called upon a family court that recognizes the importance of children having equal access to both parents. 

FAN-PAC is advocating for legislation that makes clear that joint legal and approximately equal physical custody is in the best interests of our children and society. FANPAC volunteer advocates are dedicated to this outcome. We need you to join us in this effort, to participate either remotely or actively within our organization to successfully guide Bills A1091 and S273 through the legislature and to become law in New Jersey.

FAN-PAC recognizes the dynamics of the opposition to this legislation. We stand ready to work with all groups within the state that share our commitment to a child’s right to have access to the full love and support of both parents. FAN-PAC seeks to build consensus with all current stakeholders in the family court system to implement and guide legislation that clarifies the best interest standard.

FAN-PAC will continue to raise awareness regarding the impact this conflict has on the lives of our children and the benefits that will be realized once truly shared parenting becomes the law in New Jersey. Thus, it is of critical importance we at FANPAC reach deep within each community throughout the state. It is through the voices of their constituents that our elected officials know our Children must come first.

FAN-PAC will continue to leverage existing relationships in the legislature and seek endorsements from organizations within the state. We will seek to add additional legislative sponsors in both the Senate and Assembly of New Jersey.

FAN-PAC can see a path to successful passage of this legislation. We will continue our commitment and will not waiver in our belief we can do better for our children. Our mission to advocate, inspire and educate are the core principles to guide our process and to transform the lives of future generations of New Jersey’s most valuable natural resource, our children.

Rafael Franco