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FAN-PAC meets Assemblyman Pedro Mejia (D) 32nd District


Tuesday July 31st 2018 - Assemblyman Mejia and his team met with representatives of FAN-PAC at his office in Secaucus.  Assemblyman Mejia is the first Dominican-American immigrant to serve in the State Legislature.  He is one of the newest members to the Assembly, taking over the seat held by Vincent Prieto.  Mr. Prieto left the Assembly earlier this year to become the head of the New Jersey Sports Authority, however, he remains the Chair of the Democratic Organization in Hudson County.  Assemblyman Mejia has the full support of Mr. Prieto.  Mr. Mejia immigrated to the United States at the age of 15 and became a US citizen in 2000.   He is a successful small business owner in the residential real estate industry.  Assemblyman Mejia is married with three children and has lived in Secaucus for the last 11 years.

The teams met to discuss equal shared parenting legislation, A1091.  The Assemblyman has indicated he will sign on as a co-sponsor of the bill.  He will join Assemblywoman Angelica Jimenez in making clear that all children in New Jersey deserve to have access to the love and support of both parents regardless of the family structure.  Assemblyman Mejia shared his personal view on the issue and has seen the impact separation has had on the children of people close to him.  He recognizes the vital role parents play in the development of our children and wants our laws to reflect this.

FAN-PAC was founded on the idea of putting children first.  The State of New Jersey needs to honor its commitment to our children and provide for a healthy environment for their development; this environment starts at home, reinforced in grade school and continues in our institutions of higher education.  We stand firmly with Assemblyman Mejia, Assemblywoman Jimenez and all our legislative partners in ensuring our children are free to love and to be loved by both parents.

FAN-PAC is an organization established to represent the interests of the New Jersey voters and to advance these interests by advocating for policies, legislation and legislators that reflect FAN-PAC’s mission.  This mission is to ADVOCATE for our children in family court matters EDUCATE the participants in the family court system regarding the impact that separation of parents has on children and child development.  FAN-PAC is also committed to INSPIRE this generation to be the next great generation while ensuring their voices are heard in the family court.

Rafael Franco