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Exploring Legislation Initiatives - September 2018

On the Legislative side, FAN-PAC added additional co-sponsors to shared parenting bills A1091 and S273.  The total number of named sponsors is 20. These 20 champions for our children are from both the Democratic and Republican parties, represent the north and south portions of the state and are both male and female.  This broad representation continues to support our belief this is a non-partisan issue that impacts everyone in New Jersey. 

Our organization met with an additional 15 legislators from throughout New Jersey.  This effort will continue as we seek to keep this issue on the minds of legislators throughout the State.

FAN-PAC has also provided its legislative partners a platform to share their views on shared parenting.  While in Trenton in June, Senator Thomas Kean and Assemblywoman Angela McKnight conducted interviews with FAN-PAC which were shared with our community.  Following these interviews FAN-PAC conducted a lengthy on-camera Q&A with primary sponsors, Assemblyman Erik Peterson and interviewed Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro.  We are committed to giving our legislator partners access to their constituents and all of New Jersey voters through continued engagement through social media, our webpages and personal speaking engagements.

The fall legislative session is upon us.  New Jersey has many legislative priorities, let’s make sure protecting our children by ensuring equal access to both loving parents is among these priorities.

Rafael Franco