
Recent News

Children and Family Empowerment Project Symposium at Kean University

Thank you for everyone that attended, participation and support at the Children and Family Empowerment Project symposium at Kean University. It was an amazing event on many levels of learning, exemplifying so much of what our FAN-PAC community is and can be through your membership and involvement. We truly hope you gained a refreshing new perspective on something, motivation about how we can come together to transform how family court works for us and our children.

We were grateful for the turnout from the students, 24 attendees and from the FAN-PAC community; members, friends and fellow advocates. There were more than 90 total in attendance while we had to turn people away due to capacity constraints.

We are humbled to have had a great group of panelists from the legislature, education, psychology and advocacy professions represented. The expertise and resources brought forward through these collaborations is powerful.

A special thank you to our panelists:

  • Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro

  • Assemblywoman Linda Carter

  • Dr. David Brandwein - Associate Professor Kean University

  • Lori Lynn - Executive Director Peaceful Healing

  • Ginger Gentile - Documentary Filmmaker Advocate

And our hosts:

  • Scout Hartley - President Pi Alpha Alpha

  • Dr. Bok Gyo Jeong - Public Administration Department Kean University

And to our event sponsors:

  • Lisa Carle - Associate Producer Erasing Family

  • Herminio Mendoza - Hermi Signs and Awnings Jersey City

  • Edward Wisniewski - Ed Design - Web and Social Media Design

  • Jenny Berse - Xchange Wear

  • Kara Staniszewski - ReMax

  • FACE - Fathers and Children For Equality

FAN-PAC will be producing additional events at other Universities throughout New Jersey. If you have any personal connections in higher education please introduce us to these folks and consider becoming an ambassador for a specific event. Stay involved, get mobilized. Let's continue to move the needle together.

We need your help. We need to understand how these programs can be improved. Are there additional stakeholders in your world we should be reaching out to for their participation? What specific topics can we introduce? Please see the attached survey card, take a few moments, fill it out, scan and return to us via email, if you don't have a scanner please take a photo of it on your phone and email the photo. We need your input.

If you agree that FAN-PAC can and will make a positive impact on the lives of our children please volunteer and/or donate to us. This is important work and our children need your help. All your support is helping FAN-PAC provide critical assistance to children, families and entire communities in New Jersey. On behalf of all those who benefit from your caring, thank you so much for your support!

Edward Wisniewski