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Assemblywoman Annette Quijano hosts FAN-PAC


Assemblywoman Annette Quijano hosted FAN-PAC at her Trenton Statehouse office this morning, Chief of Staff Seth Levin also participated in the meeting.  Ricky Stephens, the legislative aide for Assemblyman Holley also joined the meeting.  The groups met to discuss Assembly Bill A-1091 which provides for the rebuttable presumption of shared physical custody of minor children in family court matters.  Assemblywoman Quijano is the Deputy Majority Leader in the Assembly and is the Chair of the Judiciary Committee. 

Assemblywoman Quijano has championed many issues relating to the well-being of children.  The Assemblywoman draws on her childhood experiences to make a positive impact in the lives of children.  The Assemblywoman has been visible in her community, especially regarding events that benefit children.  The Assemblywoman and her staff distribute gifts to many children at various locations in Union County purchasing gifts with their own money with the hope of inspiring others to do the same.  “I want every child to have that same feeling because every child needs to know how important and loved they are,” she said, recalling her personal childhood.  The Assemblywoman added, “I wish I could have brought all these gifts on Monday but I needed to be down in the Assembly fighting to ensure that the children and other residents of the 20th Legislative District had a voice standing up for our shared values,".

FAN-PAC discussed the merits of shared parenting, it’s importance for the children of today and the parents of tomorrow.  This legislation will provide the courts with clear guidance and empower both parents to remain involved in the lives of their children. All participants agree that when minor children are involved there can be no tolerance for a litigant using access to a child as leverage in the family court.  The best custody solutions are crafted by the parents themselves without involvement of the court.  This legislation will reduce the conflict relating to physical custody creating an opportunity for children to grow and develop with meaningful access to both loving parents.

FAN-PAC advocates for all of New Jersey’s children and appreciates the work Assemblywoman Quijano has done along with the opportunity to work with her and all legislators and other organizations throughout New Jersey that agree and believe it is time that our laws reflect the needs of our children to have access to the full love and support of both parents.  The ability to be free to love both parents is the single most important factor in their development.

Rafael Franco