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FANPAC Family Court and Child Custody Symposium at Rider University

FANPAC and Rider University Students  at The Family Courts and Child Custody Symposium Series. Wonderful evening where New Jersey Assembly Legislator Asw Reynolds-Jackson and Great Friend And NJ Leader Chief of Staff to Asw Murphy, John Muhulland join efforts with FANPAC Legislative Chair David Kalen And Ms. McCann, to bring awareness to the important role our  NJ communities play in supporting and giving children equal access to both fit and Loving Parents . Asw Reynolds-jackson highlighted the need to have everyone Contact their Legislators and ask to support Bill S273. Meanwhile,  Chief of Staff John Mulholland make emphasis on safeguarding our children with equal access to both fit Parents and his selfless commitment to support Asw Murphy in Voting YES at her Judiciary committee. We At FANPAC welcome the commitment made by both Assembly Person to our children and extend our deepest thanks.

Rafael Franco