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Rally for Family Court Reform Time with a Parent is Not Litigation Leverage

Thousands of children are being removed from a fit, loving parent every year in New Jersey by a family court system that is unable to meet the needs of families involved in high-conflict custody battles.

Newark New Jersey Rally 11 am Saturday April 6th - Gateway Center (100 Mulberry St.) 

Newark, NJ, April 6, 2019 – The basic need of every child is to be free to love and be loved by both parents regardless of the structure of the family. Anyone who has either personally experienced or seen the impact on a family involved in a high conflict divorce recognizes the need for the family court to be reformed.

Why do family courts allow children to be used as leverage in litigation?  Shouldn’t our family court system empower both parents to remain involved in the lives of their children?  Does the family court understand the needs of 21st century families or is it still guided by a 1950s view of the family?

All too often the family court picks a ‘winning’ parent and a ‘losing’ parent when called upon to make custody decisions.  The only thing for sure is whichever parent wins, the children always lose. FAN-PAC is advocating for policies in Trenton to create a system better suited to recognize the critical role the family court plays in meeting the needs of all children in New Jersey regardless of the family structure.

FAN-PAC, along with a bi-partisan group of 24 representatives throughout New Jersey support Bills A-1091 & S-273. These bills are designed to encourage cooperation by both parents rather than a parent vs. parent dynamic.

Research is clear that children do much better when they have regular contact with two loving parents. Children need a voice in the family court. New Jersey Legislators are entrusted to act in the public interest and the public interest starts with our children. This law will empower both parents to maintain a healthy relationship with their children and when the court is called upon, the court will have clear guidance to create a 2-parent solution. 

This law is not to be intended to be a cookie cutter, one-size fits all approach. This law will guide the judges to evaluate the evidence presented to them to make the final determination on an individual case basis. The current laws guiding child custody are too ambiguous and need clarity. We want the family court to better meet the needs of our children, to empower both parents to remain involved in the lives of their children, and to recognize the varied nature of the modern family.

FAN-PAC will be conducting a series of events across New Jersey to educate, advocate, and inspire our communities, bring the stakeholders in the family court system together and develop meaningful, transformative solutions to a crisis of confidence in our family court system.

FAN-PACs mission is to advocate for our children in family court matters while transforming the family court to better meet the changing needs of society and implement legislation that recognizes the critical importance of having both parents involved in the raising of their children. 

We intend to educate all stakeholders in the family court system about the role they play in the development of children whose parents separate and this impact on the individual family and all New Jersey’s children. 

If you would like more information about this topic, please call David Kalen at (908)-229-2926, or email /

Rafael Franco